實驗室宗旨:一、 厚實人因理論基礎,探索建構駕駛心理與行為模式。二、創新介面優使設計,輔助提升行車用路安全與效率。三、 關懷高齡弱勢族群,促進交通安全與生活便利福祉。  


1. Ja-Chih Fu, Chen-Chiang Lin, Chih-Nan Wang and Yang-Kun Ou (2013), Computer-aided diagnosis for knee meniscus tears in magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, Vol. 30, pp.67–77.
2. Chen-Chiang Lin, Shier-Chieg Huang, Yang-Kun Ou, Yung-Ching Liu, Ching-Mei Tsai, Hsin-Hui Chan, Chen-Ti Wang (2012), Survival of patients aged over 80 years after Austin-Moore hemiarthroplasty and bipolar hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fractures. Asian Journal of Surgery, Vol.35, pp.62-66.
3. Cheng-Ta Yang, Shen-Mou Hou, Chun-Han Hou, Feng-Ling Lin, Chen-Chiang Lin, Rong-Sen Yang (2011) , Does the complication rate and treatment effect of balloon kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty differ in countries or specialties to operators? Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders, Vol.2, pp.79-84.
4. Chen-Chiang Lin, Yang-Kung ou, Shyh-Huei Chen, Yung-Chin Liu, Jinn Lin (2010), Comparison of artificial neural network and logistic regression models for predicting mortality in elderly patients with hip fracture. Injury, Vol. 41, pp.869-873.
5. Shu-Hua Yang, Chen-Chiang Lin, Ming-Hsiao Hu, Tiffany Ting-Fang Shih, Yuan-Hui Sun, Feng-Huei Lin (2010), Influence of Age-Related Degeneration on Regenerative Potential of Human Nucleus Pulposus Cells. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, Vol.28, pp.379-383
6. Chen-Chiang Lin, Jinn Lin (2009), Brachial Plexus Palsy Caused by Secondary Fracture Displacement in a Patient with Closed Clavicle Fracture. Orthopedics, Vol.32, pp.18-24



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